Sunday, January 31, 2010

And I'm can taste it.

You know what totally sucks? Tax season.

So this weekend wasn't as productive as I was hoping. I'm not behind on anything, but I definitely didn't end up doing anything at all. I finished a book I was reading and it was pretty interesting. REALLY interesting. Some people said they didn't like it because it gets confusing with all the names and going between past and present, which was confusing no doubt, but it was a good book. Totally blew my mind. Under the Banner of Heaven. It's by Jon Krakauer, the dude who wrote Into the Wild.

And just to my knowledge I missed one of my favorite bands, Strike Anywhere, last week. That really upsets me. The last time I saw them in New Mexico was like 5 years ago with Dead to Me and it was an awesome show. I'm pretty sad I missed that show...I didn't get to see them at Fest this year due to Festivities and hanging out with friends...gah...but I saw them at Fest last year and at Harvest of Hope. Strike Anywhere always bring an intense show and are always fun to see. But shiiiiit...oh well.

This semester is already kicking my ass and there's only going to be more ass kicking. It should be a good semester. But really...all I want to do is go cliff jumping and biking in the summer heat. If I had the bones to drop on winter biking equipment and clothes I would be so down...but alas, I do not.

But really. I can't wait for the weather to start getting warmer. I like shorts and white shirts. That shit just doesn't happen in the winter...and quite frankly, I don't enjoy winter like I used to. Stupid cold weather, why do you gotta be so stupid?

Anyway. I'm tired as hell. Class at noon tomorrow, but I have to pick up Drummer Dave from the airport at 7:30. Not stoked about that. It's like I don't even get to sleep in...bummer city.

Ride Easy.

End note: I really want to take a backpacking trip this summer. I've always wanted to but never had the time. Maybe even for a week or week and a half. I would love to. Because, ya know...I like hiking.

Also. Even though I've ended this twice already. I felt like I need to share the fact that I have been laying in a really comfortable positive while typing this, and I have no idea how to describe it, but I'm...spinning. hahaha. I don't know. 

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