Tuesday, February 23, 2010


So I haven't written in this as much as I originally hoped for, but no fear, I plan to do so a little more now some things are changing. It doesn't really matter that much anyway, it's for me and not you. ; ) And I'm writing this from my phone, so it's going to be all over the place and I apologize for errors.
Life has been a little out there this past month. I definitely have to deal (I shouldn't say deal, because I enjoy them, accept, maybe...) the changes in my life that are going to allow more changes to happen, but for the good, I'm hoping.
First thing's first, I met a fellow wolf, as I am a soon to be (marked) wolf. PJ Bond is his name and this man made a huge impact on my life for the possible 15 hours we were together. I'm pretty sure he is from NJ, but he lives all over this country (on tour) and now all over the world. He's in India right now. But anyway. He is a magnificant musician and person. He has spent longer time on the road touring and meeting more people than I can count within this past year. He met up with some fellow brothers, Spanish Gamble, and that is basically how we hooked up in Albuquerque. I have only had amazing connections as a human with few people, and PJ is definitely one of them. I only knew him for barely half a day and he is definitely a brother. One thing PJ told me was that as a musician and person he will die if he doesn't live this life. He's been a teacher and probably everything else under the sun, and dropped that life to live on the road and with a thousand room mates. He's given me the best advice I have been given in such a long time. Although it was after a wild night, I still take what was said to heart.

One thing I noticed today...I hate when I'm walking and there is a series of doors and there is one person in front of you opening all the doors and I feel like I have to say thank you for each door they open. I feel like I mostly sound ridiculous saying thank you ever 5 seconds five times...pfff, what are you gonna do? "I don't know, what are you gonna do?" Get it?

These people in my class are talking about what they were in their fraternities and they sound like morons. I'm not hating on religion here, but this guy in my Ed.Psych. class always talks about how Christian he is, how he was just baptized before this semester and how he tried joining a Christian fraternity and they turned him down. And I swear the last 20 minutes of being here he has mentioned how he has bible study at 6:30 AM and has to wake up at 3:30 to get ready. Shut up, dude.
Now, I know the majority of sane people dislike organized religion, but really, I really really really dislike organized religion (that same Christian guy is now singing a Mickey Mouse song, and he tries to make conversation with every girl in this class [which is basically a 25:5 ratio] and it's unbelievably annoying) as of lately. That's one reason why I love Cursive's 'Happy Hollow', it's pretty genius.

My boys in Spanish Gamble are also genius'. They made a ridiculous hardcore band and in barely a week of having it they have basically got the same publicity as they do with their other bands.

Class is starting. This will have to continue later on. Worthless post.

Ride Easy, crazies.

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