Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I don't know how to start this off, so I'm just going to dive in. Despite what I may say or think sometimes, I really love my (blood) family. There are times when I cannot stand my mother, but I really enjoy it when we are all together because then I don't see the crazy person that I am always around and more so the person that grew up with my uncles and my grandpa, and there are much more laughs and conversations. I also love learning about the history of my family. I feel it's fairly unique. I mean, I know there a lot of people out there with grandparents that met overseas due to World War II, but their's are just not as cool ; ) just kidding.

My grandpa is sort of religious, but not too religious. He believes in a lot of things though. He said something that was fairly neat the other day about fate and what not. About how he always had some fascination with New Mexico (he grew up on the East Coast). He made some random road trips out here with my grandma, then with two of my uncles at one point, and then finally made the decision to move out here. He met some important people and had a huge influence on Santa Fe architecture at the time. He designed a lot of buildings and homes in the Santa Fe area. Anyway, he always says that he does not know why he had this fascination with New Mexico, but he finds it interesting how out of his ten grandchildren, five were born in New Mexico, that one of his grandchildren (one that was not born here) was transfered here for airforce service, that my sister graduation from school here, that one of his children still live here, and I cannot remember the rest.

But yeah. I don't really like thinking about all of the "what if's" in this world. Like, "What if my grandpa never had the desire to come to New Mexico? What if my grandpa never took my grandma out for a blind date in the Netherlands? What if my grandpa never joined the airforce?" Blah blah. Or maybe the biggest one would be "What if I never moved to Los Alamos?" I feel like my life would be completely different. I know it would be. I would not have the people in my life I so dearly care for now. I wouldn't have the people I consider to be my family (friends and their families). I wouldn't have you.

So, baaaasically all I'm really getting to is that I am thankful for all the things I have been through, whether they be good things or tragedies. I may have gone through rough times, but I am here now and probably the most content I have been in a while. I might have to deal with some things down the road, but for right now...I can breathe comfortably.
I feel like I should read over this for mistakes and such but I'm not going to...I think that's all that is going to come out of me right now about this. poop.

The world's caving in, I got tickets for two

They're not the best seats and they're not the best view
Take my hand, you can squeeze on my arm

Monday, March 8, 2010

Can I live?

What's up dudes.

A lot as happened in the last three weeks...or two weeks...a person that I have known since I was in elementary school passed in late February. I never saw her without a smile. You are missed by many and you will never be forgotten, Ashley.

On other notes.

I guess not much has happened.

I got to spend this last weekend with so many people that I care about. I spent Friday/Saturday morning with the Wright's (my second family). Betsy (second oldest) came into town for the weekend and it was so amazing to be there with all of them. I can't put into words how much I love these people and everything they do for me. Sheesh. At the service, Sarah and I ran into our third grade teacher (Mrs. Parker at the time) and we discussed stories from back in the day, mostly about how annoying/talkative I was haha. One story that is always brought up that is beyond ridiculous: we were in third grade and we were coloring in class. I decided to stick a crayon up my nose (for god knows what reason) and ended up breaking it inside my nose. So I was sent to the nurse's office for a crayon being stuck up my nose. What no one really knows about this story is that when I was walking up to the nurse's office, I blew that sucker right out of my right nostril in the hallway. Once I got to the nurse's office I thought it would be funny not to tell her that I blew it out on the way up. She looked and looked (in both nostrils) and couldn't find said lost piece of crayon. She sent me back to the class with nothing to say haha. Hilaaaaaaarious. Elementary school was fun.

This past Saturday, the sixth of March, The Flatliners came into Albuquerque for a show. They are headed to the land down under, Australia. It is always awesome seeing and hanging out with these dudes. Some of the funnest dudes around. Their album comes out in April, pick it up.

For some reason I thought I had a shit load to say on this thing today, but I guess not. I have a paper due tomorrow though, which I should probably still be working on, but I felt the need to get on this thing. I'm writing about how the arts and music in education are important for children. Why? Because it rules. That's what I am going to say. "Let kids make music. Why? Cause it rules (and in the end helps them grow as human beings better). Party." End of paper. Oh wait. Seven pages to go.

I've been talking to a lot more people more often that I don't normally talk to except when it's their birthday or that one seasonal conversation. It makes me feel better. Sometimes I wish I could just get paid to go hang out with friends in different states when I wanted. I think I'd be fairly happy seeing everyone that I don't get to see that often. Then I'd feel like George Clooney in that movie that I haven't seen about how he just flies everywhere and is basically a rich drifter.

Rocky Votolato is coming into town again tomorrow. That should be a good show.

Go to to download Spanish Gamble's new record for free and then go here to order the LP/CD. Thanks.

I can't really think of anything else. This next week is going to be busy. I'll talk soon again.

Take care of yourselves and share what ya got.

--Kyle around 1998--

Mrs. Parker: Kyle, what do you think your life expectancy is?
Kyle: I dunno.
Mrs. Parker: Well, it'll be around three minutes unless you shut up! (

She was an awesome teacher, so it wasn't really that mean...I think.